It’s Time for Governing Boards to Weigh In on Race
In the face of the nation’s current civil unrest in response to historic racial injustice and the continuing murder of black men and women at the hands of police, responsible institutional leadership of our colleges and universities should become directly engaged. It is time for college and university governing boards to demonstrate their appropriate leadership by seizing this moment of public and political turmoil and assuming an appropriate role in affecting systemic change. The 50,000 men and women who serve on the governing bodies of colleges and universities should assert their ultimate authority as fiduciaries and leverage their individual and combined influence to strengthen the mandate for social progress. Faculty members and students at campuses across the country are engaged on the issues of racial justice. The voices of college and university presidents have become a growing force for change.
Originally published: July 10, 2020
Author: Carlton Brown, Terrence MacTaggart
Position: President Emeritus, Chancellor Emeritus
Institution: Clark Atlanta University, Minnesota State University System, Savannah State University, University of Maine System
Published by: Inside Higher Ed