Discover what university and college presidents are publishing about:
"new normal" 2
academic freedom 18
academic integrity 4
accepting failure 1
access 82
accreditation 5
active learning 4
administration 2
admissions 44
affirmative action 18
affordability 58
agriculture 2
alumni 3
American Disability Act (ADA) 1
anti-Semitism 20
antifascism 1
antiracism 3
anxiety 1
artificial intelligence 21
athletics 17
balance 1
banned books 2
belonging 1
Black history 6
Black Lives Matter 3
book recommendations 1
budget 4
California 2
campus counseling 3
campus culture 1
campus housing 3
campus safety 5
cancel culture 2
career preparation 16
challenges 6
change 18
Charlottesville 6
chatGPT 5
China 4
citizenship 1
civic engagement 25
climate change 9
college gender gap 2
commencement 11
communication 3
communications 4
community 52
community college 47
compassion 1
connection 1
consortiums 1
coronavirus vaccine 4
course sharing 1
COVID-19 214
criminal justice reform 1
crisis 5
crisis communications 10
critical thinking 2
curiosity 2
Curriculum 7
Cybersecurity 1
data 3
debt 24
democracy 14
development 2
diversity 129
donations 2
dual-mission 1
economy 14
Education Amendment 1
educational reforms 2
elite colleges 5
endowment 8
enrollment 19
equity 64
ethics 3
excellence 3
faculty 5
financial aid 23
financial health 1
financial literacy 3
financial pressure 6
first-generation students 17
first-year students 1
for-profit college 1
fraternities and sororities 2
free college 10
free expression 4
free speech 65
funding 52
fundraising 2
future 6
future generations 5
gap year 4
gender 2
gender identity 1
Generation Z 5
gifts 2
globalization 3
governance 11
Graduate school 1
graduate students 2
graduation 9
graduation rate 15
grit 4
growth 1
gun violence 4
hazing 1
HBCUs 25
health 1
healthcare 4
high school 1
honors programs 1
humanities 4
humanity 1
hybrid 1
immigration 7
inclusion 82
indoctrination 1
inflation 1
infrastructure 1
innovation 22
international students 26
internships 3
Jeff Bezos 3
Juneteenth 1
justice 3
K-12 1
languages 2
leaders 1
leadership 218
LGBTQ community 3
liberal arts 17
literacy 1
livestock 1
loss of learning 3
Martin Luther King Jr. 3
mascots 1
medical care 1
medical school 1
mental health 35
mentorship 3
merger 13
Michael Bloomberg 1
modernity 1
morals 2
movements 2
national security 1
neutrality 7
news 1
nontraditional students 2
Olympics 1
Online learning 29
opportunity 103
outcomes 51
parents 4
participation 1
partnerships 5
Peace Corps 1
pell grants 15
Ph.D. programs 1
philanthropy 4
policy 26
politics 76
post-graduation 1
post-pandemic 2
presidency 5
Presidential Statements 14
prison education 2
private college 4
problem solving 2
professors 1
protest 14
protesting 10
public education 17
quality 2
race 43
racism 8
rankings 15
refugee students 1
religion 5
Remote work 1
Renaming buildings 2
reputation 1
research 18
responsibility 6
retention 2
rigor 1
Roe v. Wade 2
safe spaces 3
safety 2
scholarships 6
school board 3
science 14
senior learners 1
single moms 1
single parents 1
sleep 1
social justice 1
social media 4
social mobility 5
society 1
spending 1
spring break 1
standardized testing 3
standardized tests 3
Statues 1
stewardship 1
strategic planning 2
strategy 2
student experience 56
student independence 3
student loan debt 9
student loans 21
student protest 8
student safety 13
student success 46
study abroad 3
success 46
summer slide 1
Supreme Court 15
sustainability 7
Taxes 1
team-building 2
technology 42
tenure 6
Title IX 4
traditional students 1
transfer students 6
transparency 2
Tribal Nations 1
truth 1
tuition 8
tutoring 1
Ukraine 3
undermatching 1
urban universities 1
value 67
veterans 3
voting access 1
wellness 2
women 33
work programs 2
work-study 1