The Equity-Minded Civic Learning All Americans Need
Sobered by events in Charlottesville, Va., leaders from all walks of life have rallied to fiercely repudiate this nation’s legacies of racial hostility and white supremacy and to vigorously proclaim our responsibility to create a more just society. Jamie Merisotis, president of Lumina Foundation, where I am now a fellow, was especially cogent. “We all must do more,” Lumina’s statement on Charlottesville was headlined. And that “more” should begin with a recognition that “whites in America are [not] disadvantaged by the color of their skin … We must be clear with ourselves about the realities of privilege and disadvantage -- and the roots of both.”
Originally published: September 25, 2017
Author: Carol Geary Schneider
Position: President Emerita
Institution: Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU)
Published by: Inside Higher Ed